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Facts, Resources & Material, Grants, and Clinic information


What is Influenza?

Influenza, commonly called "the flu", is a highly contagious disease that is caused by a virus, which infects the respiratory tract (nose, throat, and lungs). Unlike the common cold, the FLU can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications in many people of all ages. Nationwide each year, between 140k-710k people (20,000 children) are hospitalized from flu related complications and between 12k-56k people die, including more than 2,450 children since 2003. 

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Convenient & Affordable access to flu vaccinations

If you are:


 - a medical clinic that offers free services OR

- a college/university enrolled in the Alana Yaksich College/University Flu Vaccination Challenge, 


you are eligible to apply for a vaccine assistance grant. Funds must be used to purchase flu vaccine for underserved/underinsured populations. 



Protect your Community

For more information on how to schedule and host a flu clinic at your school or community location, click below for  guidelines, requirements,  and how to request a date & time.

Find an Alana's Foundation sponsored clinic  

Click link below and enter ID: XXXX, Passcode: alanas2025 then search by location, date or city

'25-'26 clinics TBD

Convenient clinic not available? 

Click link below to register for vaccination at VNA office


If you have additional questions, click link below

©2020 by Alana's Foundation.

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